Stimulus Relief & Recovery
Table of Contents
COVID-19 Vaccine Information and Availability
Restaurant Revitalization Fund
Paycheck Protection Program under the 2nd Stimulus Relief Bill
Financial Assistance
Mental Health Resources
Additional Resources
COVID-19 Vaccine Information and Availability
Georgia eligibility is open for everyone 16 years of age and older for the COVID vaccine.
Note: Pfizer is the only COVID vaccine currently approved for children aged 16 and older.
The Athens Chamber will continue to update this section as we receive more information on the COVID-19 Vaccine and participating locations that provide it.
Please use the links below for more information!
COVID-19 Vaccine Informational Page with a listing of participating locations
University of Georgia - COVID-19 Discussion Panel
Click here to view UGA's discussion panel on the COVID-19 vaccine. This video provides important information on the vaccine and answers frequently asked questions.
The panel includes Dr. Shelley Nuss (AU/UGA Medical Partnership), Dean Marsha Davis (College of Public Health), Dr. Mark Tompkins (Center for Vaccines and Immunology), Dr. John Francis (AU/UGA Medical Partnership, and Dr. Ashley Hannings (College of Pharmacy).
Restuarant Revitalization Fund
The Restaurant Revitalization Fund was established in the most recent federal emergency relief bill. These grants will be available to those in the business of selling food/beverages. If you missed our Restaurant Revitalization Fund Informational Workshop with Attorney Kevin Lang (Fortson, Bentley and Griffin in Athens), you can view below!
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Infomation Sessions
The federal government has approved a $900 billion round of additional emergency relief funding as we continue to work through the economic woes realized through the pandemic. This is the second round of funding. There will be some additional funding through the SBA – EIDL program but a good portion of these funds will go through the Paycheck Protection Program. This second round of PPP funds is not identical to the first round. While there are some more restrictive limitations there are also areas in which funding has been expanded. The Chamber will coordinate with partner organizations to make sure we provide as much information as possible to enable you and your business maximize this opportunity.
Athens Chamber of Commerce Paycheck Protection Program Information Sessions
Join us as we provide specific information towards venues, hospitality spaces, and loan forgiveness regarding the Paycheck Protection Program. We plan to provide information sessions throughout the month of January as more information continues to come in.
Upcoming Information Sessions:
Paycheck Protection Program - Event Venues and Hospitality Business Sectors:Â Wednesday Jan 6, 2021 from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST
This event has passed. If you'd still like to listen to a recording of the event click here, and use passcode: i.i9AiJ3
Join us as we hear from Kevin Lang (Fortson, Bentley and Griffin) for a discussion on the upcoming issuance of the Paycheck Protection Program funding.
In this new legislation, there is funding available specifically for Entertainment Venue locations as well as increased funding for the Hospitality industry. On this call, Kevin will give a brief overview of the upcoming PPP issuance but will directly focus on Venue and Hospitality initiatives.
This call is co-sponsored by Athens CVB, Athens Downtown Development Authority and the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce
Paycheck Protection Program - Loan Forgiveness: Thursday Jan 7, 2021 from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST
This event has passed. If you'd still like to listen to a recording of the event click here, and use passcode: +S1@JZCB
One of the benefits of receiving PPP funding is the likelihood of having a portion of your loan forgiven. Exactly what is needed in order to receive that forgiveness for the first PPP loans has not always been clear. Join us as we discuss what specific documentation will be needed for the first round of PPP loans and what is expected to be needed with the second round of funds.  Chad Brown (The Tax Shelter) will lead the discussion with Q/A as available.
This webinar is sponsored by the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce.

SBDC Paycheck Protection Program Information Sessions
Join the SBDC as they prepare businesses for the 2nd round of COVID-19 Relief Funding.
Upcoming Dates Include:
- Tuesday, Jan. 5 at 10:00 a.m. EST
- Wednesday, Jan. 6 at 2:00 p.m. EST
- Thursday, Jan. 7 at 10:00 a.m. EST
In addition to the live sessions, there will also be access to an on-demand option that you may watch at your convenience. This specific session was pre-recorded on Wednesday, December 23 and reflects the most up-to-date information at the time of recording.
Click here to learn more and register for sessions.

Financial Assistance
1. SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan
The Small Business Association has a loan specifically for businesses that have suffered as a direct result of the COVID-19 outbreak. This loan falls solely under the Economic Injury Disaster Loan. Please follow the resources and see if this loan opportunity is a program that could benefit your business.
Navigating the EIDL can be challenging. Businesses can contact a number of Small Business Development Centers that would be more than happy to assist. Click the following for assistance: SBDC Contact Information & Locations
1a. Up to $10,000 Economic Injury Disaster Loan Advance (Grant, $1,000 per employee)
Just for filling out the SBA loan application your business could have access to a $10,000 grant for your business to cover its expenses. April 8th stipulations dictate a $1,000/employee (9 employees=$9,000). This "loan advance" does not have to be repaid and businesses can be eligible even if they do not qualify for the EDIL loan. Also if you receive the "advance" and are approved for the loan, you can decline the loan and still keep the $10,000 "advance". Whether you want the grant or not is a question on the EDIL loan application itself. This is a very easy access to funds and we are recommending everyone take the time to fill out the application and request the funds. Once again, if your application is successful, you may decline the loan itself and not have to repay the $10,000.
1b. Express Bridge Loan
Express Bridge Loan Pilot Program allows small businesses who currently have a business relationship with an SBA Express Lender to access up to $25,000 with less paperwork. These loans can provide vital economic support to small businesses to help overcome the temporary loss of revenue they are experiencing and can be a term loans or used to bridge the gap while applying for a direct SBA Economic Injury Disaster loan. If a small business has an urgent need for cash while waiting for decision and disbursement on Economic Injury Disaster Loan, they may qualify for an SBA Express Disaster Bridge Loan.
2. Paycheck Protection Program under the 2nd Round of Stimulus Funding
The Paycheck Protection Program is designed to provide small businesses with loans that help keep their workforce employed by allocating funds for payroll and other related expenses. The 2nd Round of Paycheck Protection Program funds has received Congressional Approval but, to date, the specifics of the program are not yet available. Updates to this section will appear as soon as the information is finalized.
3. Unemployment
The Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) has adopted an emergency Rule 300-2-4-0.5 Partial Claims, effective March 16, 2020. The rule mandates all Georgia employers to file partial claims online on behalf of their employees for any week during which an employee (full-time/part-time) works less than full-time due to a partial or total company shutdown caused by the COVID-19 public health emergency. Any employer found to be in violation of this rule will be required to reimburse GDOL for the full amount of unemployment insurance benefits paid to the employee. Download the How Employers File Partial Claims Desk-Aid found on the GDOL Alert Page and follow the step-by-step instructions. Filing partial claims results in your employees receiving unemployment insurance (UI) benefit payments faster, usually within 48 hours for claims filed electronically. Employees for whom you file a partial claim are NOT required to report to a Georgia Department of Labor career center, register for employment services, or look for other work.
4. IRS Tax Relief
The IRS has moved tax dates due to staffing and financial stress. Please view the IRS website to view updated developments.
5. Georgia Department of Human Services
The DHS has issued a release that outlines a few of their social resources for individuals and families that are facing financial stress.
6. Grant Watch
Grant Watch is a non-profit organization that compiles grant opportunities throughout the state of Georgia.
Coronavirus COVID-19 grants, loans, funding opportunities and financial assistance to respond to the corona pandemic crisis that has impacted individuals, artists, communities, nonprofit organizations and businesses.
Mental Health Resources
Owning a small business is one of the most stressful occupations, even in the best of times when we aren't in the midst of a global pandemic. COVID-19 has brought huge health challenges to our communities and has a direct impact on our businesses, particularly small businesses. Now, more than ever, is the time to take care and manage excessive stress. Feeling stressed is a normal response to an abnormal situation, but getting overwhelmed by stress can be toxic, physically and emotionally, and at its darkest can lead to thoughts and even acts of suicide. It is important to act now and find ways to cope with stress.
With the help of the School of Social Work at the University of Georgia, we are providing support around stress and mental health to small businesses. Please check out all of the great resources below if Covid-19 has caused you excessive stress or negatively affected your mental health.
Covid-19 Community Resources from the Center for Social Justice, Human & Civil Rights
Tasks for Managers in Responding to Mental Health Needs during Social Distancing or Quarantine
Georgia Crisis & Access Line (GCAL) is staffed by licensed mental health professionals and is available 24/7 toll-free at 1-800-715-4225. Language assistance is available.
Taking Care of Your Behavioral Health: Tips for Social Distancing, Quarantine, and Isolation During an Infectious Disease Outbreak by SAMHSA
Resources from SAMHSA that can be used to virtually support recovery from mental/substance use disorders. It also provides resources to help local recovery programs create virtual meetings.
The Georgia Covid-19 Emotional Support Line provides 24/7 free and confidential assistance to callers needing emotional support or resource information as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
How to Cope with a Disaster or Traumatic Event by the CDC
Small Business Covid-19 Resource List by the Atlanta Wealth Building InitiativeÂ
Covid-19 Resources in Different Languages by the Latino Community Fund Georgia
Kid's Guide to Stay Safe and Healthy during Covid-19 by Mental Health America of Georgia
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - provides 24/7, free and confidential support for anyone who may be in distress
Suicide Prevention Resources - A comprehensive guide that features 36 suicide prevention resources.
National Institute on Drug Abuse provides addiction treatment resources and suggestions for friends and family members
Detox Local provides more than 100 online addiction treatment and recovery resources to help support during (and after) COVID-19
This resource by Dr. Kate Castle aims to provide evidence-based, self-help information and tips for getting through the coronavirus pandemic, based on psychology, neuroscience, resilience research and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT).
Frequently Asked Questions
Athens Clarke County Government
If you have questions related to Covid-19 concerns for your business or seeking help with business, workforce, or non-profit resources and opportunities, send an email to and have your questions answered by ACC Economic Development or a local partner organization.
The Athens Clarke County Government has compiled a list of responses to some of the top questions regarding recent developments. Click HERE for responses to common questions such as:
Is my business
considered essential?Â
What if my business is
considered non-essential?Â
Is this mandatory orÂ
is this just guidance?Â
How long will the shelter
in ordinance remain in effect?
United States Chamber of Commerce
The United States Chamber of Commerce has compiled its most frequently asked questions in regards to new funds added towards the Paycheck Protection Program.
Click HERE to access FAQs related to the Paycheck Protection Program such as:
1. How do New Changes
Impact My Existing PPP loan?Â
2. I Exhausted My Initial PPP Loan,
How Does This Help Me?Â
3. What If I Never Received
a PPP Loan?Â
Additional Resources
Consideration for Events and Gatherings- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Social Media Toolkit- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Economic Relief for Small Business Owners- Athens Downtown Development Authority
Classic City Love- Kaptiv8
Garrie Vereen Memorial Emergency Relief Fund (Support for the Athens Entertainment Industry)
Covid-19 Community Response Fund- Athens Area Community Foundation
List of Essential Businesses- Athens-Clarke County Unified Government
Preparing and Responding to Coronavirus- Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives
Covid-19 Updates- Athens-Clarke County Unified Government
Covid-19 Daily Status Report- GA Department of Public Health
Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers- CDC
Coronavirus Disease 2019 Presentation- GA Department of Public Health
How to Work With Kids From Home- BELAY Solutions
10 Ways to Love Athens in Troubling Times - Envision Athens
Athens Restaurants Offering Delivery and Curbside Pickup- Online Athens
Coronavirus Related Updates and Travel Resources- Athens Convention & Visitors Bureau
Disclaimer: The Athens Area Chamber of Commerce wants to deliver pertinent, up to date information to the community but is not a banking or legal institution. On all documents presented and opinions expressed please consult a qualified professional before making any decisions for yourself or your business. Thank you for your support.